Saturday, March 31, 2012

House of the Bone Storm Soundtrack season 1:

For the last couple of years Brandon and I have reverted to buying vinyl instead of CD's or digital copies from itunes or whatever. This all started when we had a computer crash and an ipod die in the same week and lost 30 days worth of music. "NEVER AGAIN" we declared, it's been vinyl purchases from there. Also, if you buy vinyl, you'll already know that most new records come with a free digital download so we are still walkman capable. It's not like we are Luddites or anything.

Since moving to our new place we have brought quite a few records home; some are classics that we are replacing and some are new releases.

I figured that this being a lifestyle blog, would be a nice place to share what we've been listening to at home. These are the records that have been purchased since moving in:
Space - Magic Fly
James Blake - Enough Thunder

Mellow - CQ Soundtrack
Bottin - Horror Disco

Air - Moon Safari

Space - Spiders
David Bowie - Scary Monsters


Gang of Four - Entertainment 

The Hundred in the Hands

AIR - the Virgin Suicides Soundtrack

Blonde Redhead - Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons

Little Dragon - Machine Dreams

Nicolas Jaar - Time for us EP

John Talabot - Fin

Gonjasufi - Muzzle

The Breeders - Last Splash

The Clash

Lykke Li - Youth Novels

Prefuse 73 - The Only She Chapters

Those Shocking Shaking Days

Grimes - Visions

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